The physical practice will help to open and strengthen our magnificent machine, the brilliant human body. Yoga will add balance, focus, health and energy to our lives. It will subtract the insignificant, the energy depleting and the unhealthy. SYC’s inspires a practical practice, where you’ll meet yourself, beautifully. Yoga is timeless and the benefits are endless. Simplicity is the elimination of the unnecessary that clutters our lives. This can come in the form of thoughts, environments, commitments, people and so on. Our healthiest and happiest existence includes positive mindfulness, smart nutrition, physical movement and proper rest, as a foundation. Upon this, we add our own magic. This is the secret ingredient that can only come from us. This is our purpose, which is formed from the gifts we were given at birth, our passions, our history and hopes. This personal recipe makes us unique. It’s not the roles we play or the jobs we work. If we’re lucky they can gorgeously overlap those things and enhance the quality of our lives and all the lives we touch.